Need we replace our air purifier filters on time and how often

In this article CLEAN will introduce why should we replace our air purifier filters on time,and how often should we replace the filters.

Why need to replace our air purifier filters on time?What will happen if we never replace them?


Replacing air purifier filters on time is important for maintaining efficiency, improving air quality, preventing health issues, and increasing the lifespan of the air purifier:


  • Maintaining Efficiency: The filter is the main component of an air purifier that traps pollutants and contaminants from the air. Over time, the filter becomes clogged with particles, reducing its effectiveness in removing pollutants from the air. By replacing the filter on time, the air purifier can maintain its efficiency and continue to provide clean air.
  • Improving Air Quality: A dirty or clogged filter can lead to poor air quality as it may release trapped particles back into the air. Replacing the filter on time ensures that the air purifier is capturing as many pollutants as possible, which can improve the air quality in your home or office.
  • Preventing Health Issues: Exposure to air pollutants can lead to various health issues such as allergies, asthma, and respiratory problems. By replacing the air purifier filter on time, you can reduce the risk of these health issues and ensure that the air you breathe is as clean as possible.
  • Increasing Lifespan of the Air Purifier: A dirty or clogged filter can put a strain on the air purifier’s motor, leading to increased wear and tear and reducing the lifespan of the unit. By replacing the filter on time, you can help to prolong the lifespan of your air purifier.


How long will our air purifier filters last,and how often to replace them?


The lifespan of an air purifier filter depends on various factors such as the type of filter, the air quality in the room, and the usage frequency. Here are some general guidelines for how long different types of air purifier filters last:

  • HEPA Filters: HEPA filters can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the air quality in the room and how often the filter is used. It’s recommended to replace HEPA filters every 12 months to maintain the effectiveness of the filter.
  • Activated Carbon Filters: Activated carbon filters can last up to 6 months, but it’s recommended to replace them every 3 months to ensure maximum effectiveness in removing odors, chemicals, and gases.
  • Pre-Filters: Pre-filters are the first line of defense for an air purifier and capture larger particles such as dust and pet hair. They usually last about 3 months before needing to be replaced.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for filter replacement as a clogged or dirty filter can reduce the effectiveness of an air purifier and lead to poor air quality. Some air purifiers also come with filter replacement indicators to remind users when it’s time to replace the filter.


Why Is It Beneficial To Use General Ventilation Filters To Get A Clean Air Supply?

Fresh air is essential to humans in order to survive and no one can deny this fact. We would be constantly breathing in clean, pure air if we were living in an ideal world but unfortunately, that is not true.

Our jobs and the climate that we live in are the factors that help in determining that we will be spending a lot of our time indoors which ultimately provokes the need for a good ventilation system.

You should always buy your air filters from a trusted air filter manufacturer so that you don’t end up with a product that is just wastage of money.

Why is Ventilation Important?

In order to understand general ventilation filters. It’s important to address what ‘ventilation’ actually means. Ventilation is a process by which clean air is intentionally supplied to a space and the stale air is removed. Different types of ventilation systems such as air conditioning, air curtains, air recirculation, and air infiltration can be used.

Ventilation plays a very important role in commercial and industrial spaces that require controlled indoor air quality by diluting and displacing indoor pollutants. Ventilation is also used to control temperature, humidity, and air motion.

Benefits of a Good Ventilation System

  • Helps in Controlling Impurities – One of the biggest benefits of using a good ventilation system is that it helps in controlling impurities. If you feel like the air quality where you live isn’t great, especially in a bustling city centre, the air inside is more polluted than the air outside. A good ventilation system is very beneficial as it helps in expelling a build-up of pollutants, bacteria, moisture, and unpleasant odours.
  • Air Regulation – Unless you have a good ventilation system in place, you will not have any control over the air flow in your building. Too much fresh air means costly energy bills, this is the reason why good ventilation helps in controlling the air quality, while also regulating the required health and safety levels.
  • Reduce Temperatures – When there are lots of people gathered in a small and confined space, the environment becomes very hot and stuffy. A well-ventilated room can instantly help you make yourself more comfortable by creating a more relaxed environment, while will also make for a very productive workplace.
  • Health Benefits – Another benefit of good ventilation systems is the positive impact it creates on our health and well-being. Indoor air pollution coupled with bad ventilation can lead to several health problems such as headaches, allergies, asthma, rashes, and sinusitis. These health issues can be avoided with the help of the installation of a good ventilation system.


Depending on your place of work, we spend a great deal of time indoors in poorly ventilated spaces which can be very poor for our health. If you are someone who is spending a large amount of your working time in these spaces, this can be very bad for your health. This is the reason why it is so important to have well-ventilated rooms both at home and in the workplace. Fan filters are also very useful for clean air supply and this is the reason why you should find a good fan filter unit manufacturer so that you can have a 100% genuine product.

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Why it is Important to Replace Your Air Filters?

Allergens from the air may include dust, pollen, dirt, mold spores, bacteria, and other contaminants that can be hazardous for the environment and public health. It affects indoor and outdoor air quality, which may lead to various reactions from allergic to something life-threatening.

There is only one way to overcome this problem and that is using a high-performing HVAC system. It is advised to change filters after every 90 days to filter dust and dirt more effectively. If your old air filter isn’t working properly, you can look for an air filter wholesale and get it replaced in less than a minute.

Why Changing Your Air Filter Really Matters?

Air filters are vital to capture pollen and dust that would otherwise release in the home and lower the indoor air quality. They also offer great defense against large objects such as loose insulation being pulled into the system or prevent a fire risk. Clogged air filters are not good and could cause an HVAC system failure.

As the filter captures pollutants of your home like dust, fungal spores, fabric fibers, etc., the fine mesh via which air passes becomes dense. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in a reliable pleated filter or panel filter to improve air quality, efficiency, and extend the life span of your system.

Adverse Effects of Dirty Air Filter

  • The blower fan in the HVAC filter needs to work hard to push air

    When the system is working hard, it draws more energy, which means higher bills. It can also wear out from the strain.

  • The difficulty in air movement

    This directly means bad home comfort for you. When the temperature sensors don’t work, the HVAC system might not send the signal regarding the temperature. It also puts strain on the fan motor.

  • The heated or cooled air cannot go out of the furnace

    Even when you’re paying the same amount of energy or using gas or oil, there will be no big difference in indoor temperature.

  • Moisture may gather

    If additional materials are being introduced to pollutants and allergens into the indoor air, it will make a space for more moisture.

When Should You Change Your Air Filter?

It is recommended to change your air filter every month or two, especially when you’ve pets and live in an area prone to pollutants. Replacing your air filter is an easy task. Just get one, slide the old filter out and install a new system. Also, check the unit to identify what size do you require and what Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) range the system should fall into.

To know more about how to replace your air filters and what MERV would be suitable for clean indoor air, contact Hubei Clean Environment Protection & Technology Co., Ltd. We’re always here to help fulfill your comfort needs!

Guide to Paint booth Filter: Why it Matters, Key Components and How to Choose

Paint booth filters play a crucial role in keeping the environment free of hazardous fumes and contaminants. It is designed to manage paint booth operations, suitable for automotive, machinery, metal, and wood producing industries. It keeps the air filtration system at maximum capacity, which means it is a great solution to remove toxic fumes and vapors.

Working with an old or dirty filter cannot operate at high efficiency. You shouldn’t take any take to compromise your safety and health. Also, dirty filters can make the ventilation system much harder and this could cause serious problems. That’s why it is vital to invest in a paint stop filter or paint arrestor to create a reliable spraying environment and ensure quality paint functions.

Why Paint Booth Filters Really Matter?

A paint booth filter is important to keep the air filtration system at its best functioning capacity. Your filter plays a significant part in removing toxic fumes and vapors while extracting debris, dust, and other potential contaminants.

Operating with a dirty or obsolete filter can put your safety and overall well-being at stake. It may make your finished product look unpleasant due to contamination and overspray. With this in mind, it is necessary to invest in an advanced paint booth filter to optimize your workspace and streamline your paint booth operations.

Components Included in Paint Booth Filters

Paint booth filters are often used in industrial spray applications. It consists of various components that include but are not limited to:

  • Ceiling filters 

It is placed on the roof of the booth and used to prevent paint from damaging particles from the intake air stream. It is good to invest in ceiling filters made of synthetic fibers to ensure low press drop and high dust holding capacity.

  • Paint-Stop Filter also called paint arrestor

It is ideal for overspray filtration to capture paint overspray in the finishing or coating industry. It is made of non-flammable long glass fiber, which increases the direction of the airflow, and also fiberglass filter ensures an open weave pattern so that paint particles can be absorbed thoroughly.

  • Pre-Filter Bag

It is installed external to the booth, which ensures effective filtration of the incoming air and outgoing air in spray booths. It is made of fine synthetic fibers that ensure low press drop, high dust holding capacity, and effective filtration. It can block overspray that wasn’t retained by exhaust filter media to maintain a clean environment.

  • Pleated Cardboard Filteralso called cardboard concertina filter

A pleated cardboard filter is commonly used for overspray filtration in all types of paint booths. It is suitable for capturing any wet and aerosol particles like gels, adhesives, paints, silicone. It is easy to install, maintain, replace and store, a perfect way to maintain constant airflow.

Choosing Suitable Filter for Paint Spray Booth

Proper intake and exhaust systems are essential for quality finishing results. Not all filters are suitable for your location and industry. The right one is that suits your individual needs and maintains an efficient filtration mechanism in your industry niche.

It is always great to work with professionals who are familiar with spray booth technology. Being a top commercial and industrial air filtration solution provider, we help our customers to understand the principles of the paint booth and supply them with high-performing equipment to enhance their productivity and workplace safety. Feel free to reach out to us for any further queries!

Does hepa filter really help with Covid?

Since the epidemic,we have read too many articles about this question.So do hepa filters really help with Covid?
As an air filter supplier,we can tell you the thuth:Although hepa filter can capture and remove most particles the size of Coivd virus,but the problem is,how you can make the air in your house all pass through it fast?
If you can’t make your house air circulate through your hepa filter such as what used in your air purifier within a short time period,the virus particles will reach to your family before they are captured.Then the hepa filter will have no use.
Most articles ignore this problem when they disscuss how efficient hepa filter works for Covid.CLEAN think it’s not enough only put an air purifier in your room or work office. You must have an efficient enough air circulation system with high power fans in addition.
Some may ask what if put quantities of air purifier at all corners?It’s not a good idea unless you have plenty of time and budget.
The second problem is the replacement of hepa filters.
When the hepa filter is full of virus inside,you can’t touch it without any PPE.This is another overlooked issue.
As for the hospitals and big companies,they can hire proffesionals to install high efficient air loop system with hepa filters,and regular replacement service.So the problems can be solved.CLEAN suggest you do the same thing.Ask proffesional air filter companies to help retrofit your HVAC,rather than simply buy an air purifier.